About FAST24
What is FAST24?
FAST24 is an annual rally and weekend celebration of Catholic faith renewal and missionary activities, led by Pallottine parish communities in Perth and Melbourne, Australia. FAST24 is a great way to prepare ourselves spiritually, as a faith community journeying together through Lent, for Easter.
The FAST24 Experience began in 2016 as a platform to promote Catholic identity, mission and vocation. It is today a growing community of people who want to make a difference in the world. At FAST24, we devote 24 hours for the Lord through fasting, praying, learning and growing in faith together as a Christian community. Take part with family and friends in: workshops, community-building games, overnight sleepout/backyard campout, meditative reflections / prayer, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Sacrament of Reconciliation, and the Mass.
FAST24 was created by David Tham and Sherlyn Khong, and introduced to Australia in February 2016. Today, FAST24 has evolved into an annual platform and opportunity to rally parish communities in pursuit of a deepening relationship with God through Catholic mission, community and faith, especially in the context of evangelisation and renewal.
FAST24 is also an opportunity for promoting unity in the Church across international and interstate borders. Parts of the original FAST24 program were based on activity ideas previously used by the Singapore-based charity ACTS29 Mission to prepare its members for mission trips to the Philippines. The first FAST24 experience was launched during the 2016 Jubilee Year of Mercy in response to Pope Francis’ call to the faithful all over the world to offer “24 Hours for the Lord”. Thus FAST24 began as a parish rally and faith renewal experience at Our Lady Queen of Apostles Church in Perth, Western Australia. In 2019, FAST24 was introduced to St Christopher's Parish in Melbourne, Victoria.
This webpage tells you how you can organise FAST24 in your own community.
Click here to read: The first FAST24 -- Riverton Parish Commemorates 2016 Lenten Season & Jubilee Year with FAST24
by Alina Kadumbattuparambil
PERTH: On Friday, 18th February, Our Lady Queen of Apostles Parish in Riverton held its first 24-hour community fast to commemorate the start of the 2016 Lenten Season and reflect on what the Jubilee Year of Mercy means for the youth of the parish. The event, called FAST24, attracted more than 40 people of all ages. It was designed to help adult parishioners recognise the importance of being witnesses of our Catholic Faith to the youth of the parish through the Eucharistic Fast and Feast (Holy Mass).
“This is the first retreat where I have fasted for 24 hours and feel really proud of it. With lots of activities and sessions there was never a time when I did not give my full attention and involvement. It was a joy to see so many youth getting involved in this event,” said one youthful participant who completed the 24-hour fast.
FAST24 began with the Stations of the Cross on the Friday evening, and finished on the Saturday evening with the Holy Mass. In between the Stations of the Cross and the Mass, there were games, workshops and activities organised by the Our Lady Queen of Apostles (Pallotine) Youth Ministry. A highlight of FAST24 was the 45-minute silent Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and the opportunity to partake in the Sacrament of Reconciliation before the Mass.
Participants also had the option to try sleeping overnight on the floor of the Parish Centre using cardboard boxes, to appreciate the uncomfortable conditions that homeless people might be experiencing. Filled with fun yet meaningful activities, one parent who attended with family members remarked that FAST24 was a good way to fast and meet new people with the same passion: “FAST24 is an awesome experience. It is the best motivation to complete the 24 hour fasting; along with friends and family members,” he said.
On the Friday night, participants were given a tour of the main church building, led by the Western Australia representative of the Union of Catholic Apostolate (UAC). Participants learnt about St Vincent Pallotti, the founder of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate (the Pallottines), to appreciate how one person could make a big difference in our Holy Church. Participants also found out more about the parish’s Pallottine heritage, such as the historical contributions of the Pallottines to indigenous community through the various pictures and icons around the Parish.
On the Saturday, the participants who stayed overnight woke at dawn to pray together and then take a walk to the Canning River for teambuilding activities by the beautiful riverside.
Because of the fast, lunchtime was replaced with singing Praise and Worship led by youth leader Daniel Thomas, followed by a workshop and role-play activity called “See, Judge and Act”. The role-play activity was interactive and thought-provoking, sparking a conversation about how we can respond to others in need through outreach and mission work. Guest presenters Sherlyn Khong and Sylvester Singh from ACTS29Mission, flew from Singapore to Perth to share their firsthand stories about volunteering for mission work in the Philippines.
The overall feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive. One youth participant had this to say: “FAST24 has been such a great experience to become closer to God. I enjoyed every part of FAST24. I learned the simplest things that can help me be a better person. I loved making the t-shirts and it was a great way to display how awesome FAST24 was. I was really surprised that the fasting didn’t affect me too much, and I was able to enjoy fasting because we did it together. I would love to come back and do this again.”
More importantly, FAST24 was an extraordinary experience for all the young people that attended. Thanks to Parish Priest Fr Paul Manickathan for supporting FAST24 and finding innovative ways for the youth to be more involved in the Riverton parish community!
How to organise FAST24 in your community
Step 1: Understanding what FAST24 is, and what it-is-not.
FAST24 is a Catholic faith renewal program that has been conducted annually during Lent in Australia since 2016, with the goal of uniting both the young and the old in solidarity through:-
prayer and devotion (e.g. Stations of the Cross, or rosary prayer, or divine mercy prayer, or silent contemplation/Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament)
fasting and penance (e.g. 24-hour fast/abstinence, and overnight sleep-out on the floor with only cardboard boxes or backyard campout);
Sacraments (Reconciliation & Eucharist);
Mission (talks/workshops with inspiration/motivational guest speakers involved in mission/charity works).
community/teambuilding activities and games (e.g. our own version of a "Hunger Games").
It is essentially a fun and alternative way to revive a sense of community and Parish Mission, particularly in ageing parishes. The Lenten experience program event also serves as a springboard within the parish, to help parishioners deepen their understanding of the meaning of Lent, the Day of the Lord's Resurrection, and our Christian vocation. FAST24 can also be organised during Advent in conjunction with the traditional Nativity Fast. We welcome collaborations with other Catholic parishes, congregations and ministries to introduce FAST24 Advent. Contact us to inform us of your intention to organise FAST24 in your community. FAST24 is protected by a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, so as to prevent FAST24 from being exploited for commercial purposes.
When promoting the FAST24 Experience, a very important thing to remind people is that it is a Community Fast. Many people will think that they can do the fast at home or on their own. Yes they can do it alone, but that is not the point of FAST24. Many Catholics still think that salvation is an individual and personal choice. But FAST24 reminds all that we exist in a Communion. So FAST24 is a community journey of faith towards the Eucharist -- which is how we break the fast during the Mass when we receive Jesus.
The 24-hour fast is not a strict no-food-or-drink fast -- to allow beginners, especially the younger ones to have an introductory experience of community fasting and share how they feel about the Communion experience. We are aware that each person may be at a different stage in their experience of God when they begin to participate in FAST24.
Also, FAST24 is an experience of being a community and growing together. The experience actually starts with the Planning Committee reaching out to the parish community together -- before, during and after the Mass, a couple of weeks before the FAST24 start date. The build-up is not just about promoting the event, but about Outreach to the people we see every weekend yet don't really know well. Every parish has its set of familiar faces, but not enough of the regular parishioners spend the time to personally get to know all the other "submarine" parishioners, or commit to sharing their faith journeys with others.
Click here to read: Why we FAST24 -- understanding the Eucharistic Fast in the context of the Sacrament of the Eucharist
by David Tham
FAST24 is a step forward towards making a good faith effort to prepare ourselves properly to receive the Lord in the Holy Eucharist.
The Eucharistic Fast assists us in preparing to receive Holy Communion wholly—body and soul. The fast is a physical mortification that strengthens our spiritual focus on the Lord, so that we may humbly encounter the divine Saviour who offers Himself to us through the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
The purpose of the Eucharist Fast can be traced back to an ancient tradition in our Catholic Church. In Acts of the Apostles (13:2) we find evidence of fasting connected with the liturgy. In his writings, St Augustine tells us that a more normative practice of fasting before receiving Holy Communion appears throughout the Church after the legalisation of Christianity in 313 AD.
The specific requirements of the Eucharistic Fast have changed over the centuries. For example, until 1964, the Eucharistic Fast began at midnight. On 21 Nov 1964, Pope Paul VI reduced the fast to a period of one hour. Today, Canon 919 of the Code of Canon Law states, “One who is to receive the Most Holy Eucharist is to abstain from any food or drink, with the exception of water and medicine, for at least the period of one hour before Holy Communion.”
Nevertheless, many people today still wonder why the Catholic Church encourages fasting.
In Dominicae Cenae (1980), Pope John Paul II lamented the modern-day problem of people not being properly disposed to receive Holy Communion, even to the point of being in a state of serious mortal sin. “In fact, what one finds most often is not so much a feeling of unworthiness as a certain lack of interior willingness, if one may use this expression, a lack of Eucharistic ‘hunger’ and ‘thirst,’ which is also a sign of lack of adequate sensitivity towards the great sacrament of love and a lack of understanding of its nature,” said Pope John Paul II.
The reason why Catholics are encouraged to fast is because we are charged to convert our whole lives—body and soul—to the Lord. St Paul reminds us: “Continually we carry about in our bodies the dying of Jesus, so that in our bodies the life of Jesus may be revealed” (2 Cor 4:10).
This conversion process involves doing penance—including bodily mortification, like fasting—for our sins and weaknesses, which in turn strengthens and heals us.
In the Old Testament, fasting prepared individuals to receive the action of God and to be placed in His presence. For instance, Moses (Ex 34:28) fasted 40 days atop Mount Sinai as he received the Ten Commandments. Elijah (I Kings 19:8) fasted 40 days as he walked to Mount Horeb to encounter God.
Similarly, in the New Testament, Jesus Himself fasted 40 days as He prepared to begin His public ministry (Mt 4:1ff) and encouraged fasting (Mt 6:16-18).
Fasting is a corporal work that helps to enhance the spiritual disposition we need to receive Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. In his Apostolic Constitution Paenitemini (1966), Pope Paul VI wrote: “Mortification aims at the liberation of man, who often finds himself, because of concupiscence, almost chained by his own senses. Through ‘corporal fasting’ man regains strength, and the wound inflicted on the dignity of our nature by intemperance is cured by the medicine of a salutary abstinence.”
In simple words, the fast before receiving Holy Communion creates a physical hunger and thirst for the Lord, which in turn augments the spiritual hunger and thirst we ought to have. We fast so as not to spoil our “appetite”, but to increase it for the sharing of the Paschal banquet.
Jesus said in the Beatitudes, “Blest are they who hunger and thirst for holiness; they shall have their fill” (Matt 5:6). In all, fasting is an exercise of humility, hope and love—essential virtues in preparing ourselves to receive the Holy Eucharist.
Step 2: Constructing FAST24
To start planning for FAST24 in your community, you will need to establish the following:-
contact us to inform us of your intention to organise FAST24 in your community. FAST24 is protected by a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, so as to prevent FAST24 from being exploited for commercial purposes.
appoint a local coordinator to assist with pre-event promo and outreach. Find someone who is good at public speaking as well as influencing people to take part / support the event. When more people are involved with the various components of FAST24, the more likely the number of participants will be larger. The challenge is to coordinate everything, so this is why having a local coordinator is important.
appoint a local talent who is resourceful -- who knows how to get in touch with inspirational Catholics involved in mission and ministry in your diocese (or in connection with the diocese). It is helpful to have creative talent to help out with posters, sourcing for blank t-shirts, pre-FAST24 and post-FAST24 community meal preparations, etc.
find and reserve a safe and accessible venue space to hold the FAST24 event -- the venue should have portable/movable chairs and tables, with bathroom or toilet nearby, and having a kitchen/food prep area within walking distance is helpful too. In Perth, on average, we get about 40 - 80 people attending each session, and they are not always the same people for all sessions. The number of people varies because the sessions are designed as modules to accommodate people who cannot stay for the entire 24 hours -- so they can come in whenever they can make it. Using a registration form, we ask people at the point of signing-up as a participant, to identify which sessions they will attend.
set a suitable date for your FAST24 event. This would usually be a Friday evening till Saturday night during Lent. And contact us so that we can coordinate your FAST24 dates with the dates of other communities who are also organising FAST24. Once the date has been coordinated, you can figure out when to start promoting the event or hold outreach activities in conjunction with the build-up to your FAST24 event. Remember that the point of FAST24 is to build community, which includes building unity between communities -- so do not isolate your community from others also taking part in FAST24.
The FAST24 Lent Experience event comprises a set of nine "core" modules and an unlimited set of "theme" modules.
There are nine core modules because the number 9 reminds us of the first Pentecost that occurred in the Cenacle (also known as "the Upper Room") when the Twelve Apostles and the Blessed Virgin Mary prayed for nine days until the Holy Spirit descended. In the New Testament, this biblical event is often quoted from Acts of the Apostles 1:12 – 2:5. The early Church Fathers assigned special meaning to the number 9, seeing it as symbolic of imperfect man turning to God in prayer (due to the number nine's proximity with the number ten. The number ten is symbolic of perfection and God).
There is no limit to the number of theme modules (optional or elective modules) that can be introduced, as long as they are relevant, sensible, and faithful to the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
The 9 core modules are:-
Shared meal before the start of FAST24;
Stations of the Cross or similar meditation in harmony with the liturgical season -- this should not be a private event because the FAST24 participants are also witnesses to others in the parish;
The 24-hour Catholic Fast Experience, which is not a strict absolutely no-food fast because we want to encourage participants to try different stages of fasting/abstinence -- some are beginners, others are veterans -- and everyone can have a try at their own pace;
Overnight sleep-out experience or similar experience, to get people out of their comfort zone. We allow participants to try different stages of discomfort -- beginners can use sleeping bags, while more advanced participants have been known to choose to sleep on the hard floor. (Those who cannot take part in the overnight experience can go home at night and return early next morning to re-join the program);
Liturgy of the Hours or Praise&Worship Sing-a-long -- in place of usual meal times;
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament / Holy Hour
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Holy Mass
Shared meal after the Mass, i.e. break Fast together.
Theme modules can include:-
"Hunger Games" (the planned set of activities can relate to the theme set for the FAST24 Experience). If your parish congregation comprises older, more mature parishioners, you should customise the activities (such as games/outdoor activities) to suit their physical mobility or level of maturity, while still having something engaging for the younger ones.
Talks/workshops (e.g. mission focus for the parish or for the Archdiocese or for the whole Church or for the year etc).
T-shirt design (based on the FAST24 theme - participants design their own t-shirt using colour markers).
Events / activities pre-FAST24 (build-up activities / outreach / event promo) and post-FAST24 (follow-up activities / get-together / parish mission).
FAST24 (Lent 2017) Program: “Jesus – The Way, The Truth, & The Life”
FAST24 Dates: Friday 17 March & Saturday 18 March, 2017.
Start time: Friday 17 Mar 2017 from 5.30PM, beginning with a community welcome and light dinner, followed by Stations of the Cross at 7.00PM). End time: Saturday 18 Mar 2017 after the 6PM Mass, followed by a community supper to break the fast).
Venue: Our Lady Queen of Apostles, Parish House. 55 Tudor Avenue, Riverton, Western Australia. Parish Office Tel: (08) 6188 6877.
This FAST24 program may be modified at the discretion of the organisers. All timings are approximate.
Participants check-in. Welcome address, House Rules / Safety Briefing
Group Dinner: participants have dinner together.
Why We Fast: understanding the Eucharistic Fast. Followed by preparations for leading the commemoration of the Stations of the Cross.
Via Crucis – Stations of the Cross @ Twilight.
Welcome to Our Lady Queen of Apostles Church and FAST24. Introduction to the parish and what it has to offer.
FAST24 theme song lyric prayer (5 mins).
“Jesus” — workshop presented by Sr Chitra Justin OSM.What’s in a name? Who are you? What is your name?” (cf. Genesis 32:27).
Conclude the evening with FAST24 theme Song and Sign of Peace.
For Participants not taking part in overnight sleepout: End of Day 1 Program / return home. For Participants taking part in overnight sleepout: “Cardboard Coffin” activity.
Lights out for overnight participants: Sleeping Bags and/or Cardboard beds.
End of Part One
Continued in Part Two: Saturday program
For Participants who took part in overnight sleepout: Rise and shine / Freshen up. For Participants who did not take part in overnight sleepout: Assemble for Part 2 of the Program.
Morning Prayer (P&W).
“The Way” – Outdoor Games and Teambuilding Activities presented by Peter White
Break / free-time for fellowship / freshen up
“The Truth” – workshop presented by Ashley Thomas
Break / free-time for fellowship / freshen up
Motivational Sing-a-long (P&W).
“The Life” – workshop presented by Jason Yeap (of St Charles’ Seminary)
FAST24 T-shirt/Poster design activity. Followed by Break / free-time for fellowship / freshen up.
Guided Reflection (P&W).
Sacrament of Reconciliation and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.(or Free time for Silent Prayer/ Contemplation).
Group Feedback Sharing / Evaluation, and Acknowledgements. FAST24 Theme Song.
Saturday Evening Vigil Mass.
FAST24 Supper (break fast together).
FAST24 (Lent 2018) Program: "Transfigured and Renewed"
FAST24 Dates: Friday 23 February & Saturday 24 February, 2018.
Start time: Friday 23 February 2018 from 5.30PM, beginning with a community welcome and light dinner, followed by Stations of the Cross at 7.00PM.
End time: Saturday 24 February 2018 after the 6PM Mass, followed by a community supper to break the fast.
Venue: Our Lady Queen of Apostles Parish.
Address: 55 Tudor Avenue, Riverton, Western Australia 6148.
Parish Office Tel: (08) 6188 6877.
Cost: $10 per person
This FAST24 program may be modified at the discretion of the organisers. All timings are approximate.
Participants check-in.
Welcome address, House Rules / Safety BriefingGroup Dinner: participants have dinner together.
Preparations for leading the commemoration of the Stations of the Cross.Jesus said, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23) Not “take up his cross once” or “take up his cross for a little while” but “take up his cross daily.” At first that may sound like a downer, but when we realise that following Jesus does not end with the cross but with Resurrection and new life, we can find the patience, endurance, and determination to remain committed to our goals even in the face of hardship.
Via Crucis — Stations of the Cross in the spirit of St Vincent Pallotti @ Twilight.
Introduction to FAST24: Understanding the meaning of the Eucharistic Fast — e.g. What does Sacrifice really mean? Why do we fast?Introduction to 2018 FAST24 theme, “Transfigured & Renewed”; followed by personal introductions by participants.
Session 1: “Called To Be Transfigured” — What meaning does the Transfiguration story hold for us today? Presented by Fr Eugene San SAC, who leads the Australian Regional Council of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate.
Conclude the evening with song and Sign of Peace.
For Participants not taking part in overnight sleepout: End of Day 1 Program / return home.
For Participants taking part in overnight sleepout: Cardboard “Hotel” or “Coffin” creative challenge — facilitated by Daniel Thomas, member of the Parish Youth Council. Bring your own sleeping bag, or use the cardboard boxes provided.
Lights out for overnight participants: Sleeping Bags and/or Cardboard “beds”.
End of Part One
Continued in Part Two: Saturday program
For Participants who took part in overnight sleepout: Rise and shine / Freshen up. For Participants who did not take part in overnight sleepout: Assemble for Part 2 of the Program.
Morning Prayer — led by Fr Paul Manickathan SAC, PP
Session 2: “Follow and Share” — discipleship and team building — led by Ann Maria Shaju and members of the Parish Youth Council
Break / free-time for fellowship / freshen up
Praise Music & Prayer
Session 3: “Mission & Ministry” — presented by Keenan Klassen, Christmas Appeal Coordinator for St Vincent de Paul Society WA (Inc)
Break / free-time for fellowship / freshen up
Praise Music & Prayer
Session 4: “Mission & Ministry” — presented by Vicky Burrows, Director / Coordinator of Aboriginal Catholic Ministry (Perth)
Praise Music & Prayer
Session 5: “The C.P.R. Dilemma: Catholic Parish Renewal or Critical Personnel Renewal?” — How is your parish community a hub for reconnection and renewal of faith? Who is it really attracting? And how is it engaging young people today? Presented by David Tham, FAST24 Custodian & Our Lady Queen of Apostles Youth Ministry Coordinator
FAST24 T-shirt/Poster design activity. Followed by Break / free-time for fellowship / freshen up.
Session 6: Introduction to St Vincent Pallotti, the Pallottines, and Catholic Apostolate — Presented by Tricia Wisolith, Parish Secretary & Union of Catholic Apostolate (UAC) Local Committee West Representative
Sacrament of Reconciliation and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.(Or Free time for Silent Prayer/ Contemplation).
Group Feedback Sharing / Evaluation, and Acknowledgements
Saturday Evening Vigil Mass.
FAST24 Supper (break fast together).
“From the event of the Transfiguration I would like to take two significant elements that can be summed up in two words: ascent and descent. We all need to go apart, to ascend the mountain in a space of silence, to find ourselves and better perceive the voice of the Lord. This we do in prayer. But we cannot stay there! Encounter with God in prayer inspires us anew to “descend the mountain” and return to the plain where we meet many brothers weighed down by fatigue, sickness, injustice, ignorance, poverty both material and spiritual. To these brothers in difficulty, we are called to bear the fruit of that experience with God, by sharing the grace we have received. And this is curious. When we hear the Word of Jesus, when we listen to the Word of Jesus and carry it in our heart, this Word grows. Do you know how it grows? By giving it to the other! The Word of Christ grows in us when we proclaim it, when we give it to others! And this is what Christian life is. It is a mission for the whole Church, for all the baptized, for us all: listen to Jesus and offer him to others.”
— Pope Francis, in “Angelus”, St Peter’s Square, 2nd Sunday of Lent, 16 March 2014
FAST24 2016-2017
Compilation from FAST24 2016 and FAST24 2017
FAST24 2018
23-24 Feb 2018
FAST24 Perth – Lent 2019 Program: "#WhenGodCalls"
Start time: Friday 08 March 2019 from 5.30PM, beginning with a community welcome and light dinner, followed by Stations of the Cross at 7.00PM.
End time: Saturday 09 March 2019 after the 6PM Mass, followed by a community supper to break the fast.
Venue: Our Lady Queen of Apostles Parish.
Address: 55 Tudor Avenue, Riverton, Western Australia 6148.
Parish Office Tel: (08) 6188 6877.
Cost: $10 per person
Participants check-in.
06.00PM sharp
Welcome Dinner: “A Last Supper” – Participants have an opportunity to join in fellowship over dinner.
Preparations for leading the commemoration of the Stations of the Cross.
Jesus said, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23). Not “take up his cross once” or “take up his cross for a little while” but “take up his cross daily.” At first that sounds very demanding and unrealistic, but when we realise that following Jesus does not end with the cross but with Resurrection and new life, we can find the patience, endurance, and determination to remain committed to our goals even in the face of hardship.
07.00PM sharp
Via Crucis — Stations of the Cross in the spirit of St Vincent Pallotti @ Twilight.
Session 1A: Welcome to FAST24. Introduction to this year’s FAST24 theme, #WhenGodCalls; and program overview.
Presented by David Tham (FAST24 Custodian).
Get to know other participants and parish leaders.
House Rules / Event Safety Briefing
Session 1B: “When God Calls”
Presented by Br Sheldon Burke CRS.
Brother Sheldon Burke is a familiar face in Perth. He is currently based at St Jerome’s Parish, Spearwood. Reflecting on his journey of faith so far, Br Sheldon believes that a vocation is one of the greatest gifts that God gives us.
“While my greatest desire was to be a father of a family before I grew in the understanding of my vocation, responding to my call, I realised I was actually called to be a Father of a much larger family. In every sense of the word, God has fulfilled my desire in my vocation with the Somascan Fathers, because our vocations are everything we were created for in order to be Holy,” said Br Sheldon in an interview with The Record.
Praise Song & Prayer
Session 2: “When God Called Me”
Presented by Julianne Calzonetti
Born in the United States, Julianne moved to Rome in August 2016, following a call God revealed on the night of Pope Francis’ election. Julianne works for the Society of Catholic Apostolate – Immaculate Conception Province, collaborating with Pallottine Fathers Peter Sticco (Provincial Rector, SAC) and Jacob Nampudakam (Rector General, SAC) on We Are A Mission, a multi-faceted website that encourages all to radically live as Jesus of the Gospel. We Are A Mission seeks to inspire courage, making missionaries for Christ in every walk of life.
Praise Song & Prayer
Conclude the evening with a blessing prayer and Sign of Peace. For Participants not taking part in overnight sleepout: End of Day One Program / return home.
Cardboard Sleepout Challenge For Participants taking part in overnight sleepout: creative fun activity — facilitated by previous participants of FAST24. Participants may bring your own sleeping bag, or use the cardboard boxes provided.
Lights out for overnight participants: Sleeping Bags and/or Cardboard “beds”.
End of Part One
Continued in Part Two: Saturday program
This FAST24 program may be modified at the discretion of the organisers. All timings are approximate.
For Participants who took part in overnight sleepout: Rise and shine / Freshen up.
For Participants who did not take part in overnight sleepout: Assemble for Part Two of the Program.
Morning Prayer.
Led by Sr Chitra Justin OSM and Reshma Mathew
Session 3: “Hunger Games” team building fun.
Led by Shaun Mathew
Break / free-time for fellowship / freshen up
Session 4A: “Responding To God’s Call”
Presented by Philip Boon
Based in Perth, Philip is a parishioner at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Parish, Palmyra, where he has been actively involved in the choir, the parish council, and more recently, the Centering Prayer Community. Faith has always been an integral part of Philip’s life. In the mid 1990’s he was introduced to the work of Franciscan Fr Richard Rohr, who is founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC). In 2014, Philip was accepted into the Living School Program run by the CAC, which teaches the rich heritage of faith in the Christian Mystical tradition lineage.
Session 4B: Games for junior participants who want an alternative activity to Session 4A.
Led by Shaun Mathew
Break / Outdoor walk / Personal Reflection
Praise Songs, Music & Prayer
Session 5: “Living The Call — Holiness in everyday life by living Beatitudes.
Presented by Julianne Calzonetti
Born in the United States, Julianne moved to Rome in August 2016, following a call God revealed on the night of Pope Francis’ election. Julianne works for the Society of Catholic Apostolate – Immaculate Conception Province, collaborating with Pallottine Fathers Peter Sticco (Provincial Rector, SAC) and Jacob Nampudakam (Rector General, SAC) on We Are A Mission, a multi-faceted website that encourages all to radically live as Jesus of the Gospel. We Are A Mission seeks to invoke bravery, making us zealous missionaries for Christ in every walk of life.
Praise Songs, Music & Prayer
Session 6: “Building The Parish Mission”.
Presented by Chris Leon from Our Lady Queen of Apostles Parish Council.
Session 7: FAST24 Creative Workshop.
Hands-on creative/art activity to commemorate this year’s FAST24.
Led by Roshna Mathew, Sharon Shaju, and Avelyn Mathew.
Includes free time for fellowship and/or freshen up.
Preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Hour. A guided meditation/reflection prayer
Sacrament of Reconciliation and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Quiet time for Contemplative Prayer.
Group Feedback Sharing / Evaluation, and Acknowledgements
06.00PM sharp
Saturday Evening (Sun Vigil) Mass.
FAST24 Dinner & Fellowship
Break fast together.
This FAST24 program may be modified at the discretion of the organisers. All timings are approximate.
“Every man and woman is a mission; that is the reason for our life on this earth. To be attracted and to be sent are two movements that our hearts, especially when we are young, feel as interior forces of love; they hold out promise for our future and they give direction to our lives. More than anyone else, young people feel the power of life breaking in upon us and attracting us.
To live out joyfully our responsibility for the world is a great challenge. I am well aware of lights and shadows of youth; when I think back to my youth and my family, I remember the strength of my hope for a better future. The fact that we are not in this world by our own choice makes us sense that there is an initiative that precedes us and makes us exist. Each one of us is called to reflect on this fact: “I am a mission on this Earth; that is the reason why I am here in this world” (Evangelii Gaudium, 273).”
— Pope Francis, on World Mission Sunday, 20 May 2018 (Solemnity of Pentecost)
FAST24 Perth 2019
8-9 March 2019
FAST24 Melbourne 2019
5-6 April 2019
FAST24 Perth – Lent 2020 Program: "Christus Vivit"
Friday 6 March & Saturday 7 March, 2020.
Venue: Our Lady Queen of Apostles Church, 55 Tudor Avenue South, Riverton, Western Australia.
Parish Office Tel: (08) 6188 6877
FAST24 Admin Email: CatholicYouthApostolate@gmail.com
Cost: AUD$10 per participant, payable on-site.
The FAST24 Program is modular, which allows new participants to join in at various key entry points if they can only attend at certain times of the day. Hence, please let us know which selected sessions you will attend via the options provided in the Registration Form (check/tick the relevant boxes). Registration is essential for ALL participants.
Participants check-in at the Parish Hall.
Community dinner: “a last supper” together in the Parish Hall
Preparations for the Stations of the Cross (involving participants)
The Way of the Cross (outdoors if weather permits. Meet inside the church)
Introductions and Orientation (in the Parish Hall)
Opening Song
Session 1: Listen to What the Spirit is saying
Guest speaker: Fr Peter Porteous OSM.
For Participants not taking part in overnight sleepout: return home to rest overnight.
For Participants taking part in overnight sleepout: “Creative cardboard bed” fun activity.
Overnight participants:
(Bring Your Own Sleeping Bags and/or use the Cardboard sheets provided.)
For Participants who took part in overnight sleepout: Rise and shine / Freshen up.
For Participants who did not take part in overnight sleepout: Assemble for Part 2 of the Program.
Morning Mass (Sat Weekday) in the church
Motivational Sing-a-long (P&W) in the Parish Hall
Session 2: Sharing Salvation stories
Presenter(s): Reshma Mathew and the Young Adults Group of Riverton Parish
Introduce FAST24 “Your Salvation Story” artwork (scarf/stole design) activity.
Break / free-time for fellowship / freshen up.
Motivational Sing-a-long (P&W).
Session 3: Love Always Wins
Guest presenter: Philip Boon
Break / free-time for fellowship / freshen up
Lectio Divina and Centering Prayer Experience
Sacrament of Reconciliation and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Free time to continue FAST24 “Your Salvation Story” artwork (scarf/stole design) activity.
Evening Mass (Sun Vigil) in the church
FAST24 Dinner (break fast together).
Conclusion and Acknowledgements
“Every man and woman is a mission; that is the reason for our life on this earth. To be attracted and to be sent are two movements that our hearts, especially when we are young, feel as interior forces of love; they hold out promise for our future and they give direction to our lives. More than anyone else, young people feel the power of life breaking in upon us and attracting us.
To live out joyfully our responsibility for the world is a great challenge. I am well aware of lights and shadows of youth; when I think back to my youth and my family, I remember the strength of my hope for a better future. The fact that we are not in this world by our own choice makes us sense that there is an initiative that precedes us and makes us exist. Each one of us is called to reflect on this fact: “I am a mission on this Earth; that is the reason why I am here in this world” (Evangelii Gaudium, 273).”
— Pope Francis, on World Mission Sunday, 20 May 2018 (Solemnity of Pentecost)
FAST24 Perth 2020
6-7 March 2020
FAST24 Perth – Lent 2021 Program: "No One Is Saved Alone"
Friday 5 March & Saturday 6 March, 2021.
Venue: Our Lady Queen of Apostles Church, 55 Tudor Avenue South, Riverton, Western Australia.
PART ONE – Friday evening 5th March 2021
Participants check-in at the Parish Hall.
Community dinner: a “last supper” together before the fast begins
Stations of the Cross led by Fr Paul Manickathan SAC PP, including re-enactment by the Catholic Youth Apostolate
Introductions and Orientation
Session 1: “When God closes a door, He opens a window” with Fr Paul Manickathan SAC PP
Night prayer led by Catholic Youth Apostolate Band
For Participants not taking part in overnight sleepout: return home to rest overnight.
For Participants taking part in overnight sleepout: “Creative cardboard” sleepout/campout activity. (Bring Your Own Sleeping Bags / Tent and/or use the Cardboard sheets provided. Bring your own essential toiletries)
PART TWO – Saturday morning 6th March 2021
For Participants who took part in overnight sleepout: Rise and shine / Freshen up.
For Participants who did not take part in overnight sleepout: Assemble for Part 2 of the Program.
Sharing of experiences by participants who took part in overnight sleepout.
Motivational Sing-a-long (Praise & Worship) & Prayer led by Catholic Youth Apostolate Band
Session 2: “Breaking the habit: living out our daily sanctity through solidarity, universal fraternity and social friendship in a new open society” with Dennis & Bee Foo
“Hunger Games” with Tina Ambrose
FAST24 Creativity Workshop (creative activity) with Reshma Mathew
PART THREE – Saturday afternoon 6th March 2021
Break / free-time for fellowship / freshen up
Motivational Sing-a-long (Praise & Worship) by Catholic Youth Apostolate Band
Session 3: “Coming out of the storm: how to make a Catholic difference in a post-CoVID19 world” with David Tham
Quiet Time for prayer and reflection. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Sacrament of Reconciliation
FAST24 Community group discussion
Evening Mass (Sun Vigil) - Sacrament of the Eucharist
FAST24 Dinner (break fast together)
Conclusion: Acknowledgements & Closing Prayer
No One Is Saved Alone
"True, a worldwide tragedy like the Covid-19 pandemic momentarily revived the sense that we are a global community, all in the same boat, where one person’s problems are the problems of all. Once more we realized that no one is saved alone; we can only be saved together. As I said in those days, “the storm has exposed our vulnerability and uncovered those false and superfluous certainties around which we constructed our daily schedules, our projects, our habits and priorities… Amid this storm, the façade of those stereotypes with which we camouflaged our egos, always worrying about appearances, has fallen away, revealing once more the ineluctable and blessed awareness that we are part of one another, that we are brothers and sisters of one another."
-- Pope Francis in Fratelli Tutti (Chapter 1 Paragraph 32)
FAST24 Perth 2021
5-6 March 2021
FAST24 Perth – Lent 2022 Program: "One Body, One Spirit"
Friday 4 March & Saturday 5 March, 2022.
Venue: Our Lady Queen of Apostles Church, 55 Tudor Avenue South, Riverton, Western Australia.
PART ONE – Friday evening 4th March 2022
Participants check-in at the Parish Hall.
Opening Prayer & Community dinner: a “last supper” together before the fast begins
Stations of the Cross (outdoor activity) – The fast begins
Introductions and Orientation for newcomers
Session 1: “One Body, One Spirit” with Fr Renald Anthony
Prayer Experience with Philip Boon
For Participants not taking part in overnight sleepout: return home to rest overnight.
For Registered Participants taking part in overnight sleepout: “Creative cardboard” sleepout/campout activity. (Bring Your Own Sleeping Bags / Tent and/or use the Cardboard sheets provided. Bring your own essential toiletries). Registration is essential.
PART TWO – Saturday morning 5th March 2022
For Participants who took part in overnight sleepout: Rise and shine / Freshen up. Proceed to Church Hall by 7.30AM
For Participants who did not take part in overnight sleepout: Morning Prayer (bring your own rosary)
Sing-a-long led by Catholic Youth Apostolate Band
Session 2: One Body, Many Parts (outdoor teambuilding activity)
with Celestine Christo & Team
FAST24 Creativity Workshop (T-shirt design)
Session 3: “Moved By The Spirit – leading Praise & Worship” with Daniel Thomas
PART THREE – Saturday afternoon 5th March 2022
Session 4: Moving With The Spirit (movie & discussion)
Free time for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
/ Sacrament of Reconciliation
Preparation for Mass and Dinner
Evening Mass (Vigil Mass) - Sacrament of the Eucharist
FAST24 Dinner (break fast together)
Conclusion: Acknowledgements & Closing Prayer
FAST24 Perth 2022
4-5 March 2022
FAST24 Perth – Lent 2023 Program: "Walking In The Newness Of life"
Friday 3 March & Saturday 4 March, 2023.
Venue: Our Lady Queen of Apostles Church, 55 Tudor Avenue South, Riverton, Western Australia.
PART ONE – Friday evening 3th March 2023
Participants start to check-in at the Parish Hall.
Opening Prayer & Community dinner: a “last supper” together before the fast begins
Stations of the Cross – The fast begins
Introductions and Orientation for newcomers by David Tham
Session 1 – Walking In The Newness Of Life - led by Fr Paul Manickathan SAC pp
Evening Prayer - led by Sharon
For Participants not taking part in overnight sleepout: return home to rest overnight.
For Registered Participants taking part in overnight sleepout: Overnight sleepout/campout activity. (Bring Your Own Sleeping Bags / Tent / Cardboard sheets. Bring your own essential toiletries). Registration is essential if you want to take part in the overnight sleepout.
PART TWO – Saturday morning 4th March 2022
For Participants who took part in overnight sleepout: Rise and shine / Freshen up. Remove sleeping bags / cardboard boxes and set up the chairs
For Participants who did not take part in overnight sleepout: Assemble in the Parish Hall and help with setting up for the day
Session 2 – Walking With God – introduction & prayer
Led by Salvatore and the Clontarf Aboriginal College captains
Session 2 (con’t) – Walking with God – Outdoor walk & reflection
Return to Parish Hall
Session 2 (con’t) – Walking With God – Sharing / Discussion
Praise & Worship songs led by Edwin & friends
PART THREE – Saturday afternoon 4th March 2022
FAST24 Creativity Workshop (FAST24 T-shirt design activity) - led by Bee
Escape-Room Game 1 (intro) - led by Rheannon
Session 3 - Bringing Newness to Community & Faith - led by Roshan
Escape-Room Game 2 (teams)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament / Sacrament of Reconciliation
Community preparation for Mass and Dinner / Choir practice
Evening Mass (Vigil Mass) - Sacrament of the Eucharist
FAST24 Dinner (break fast together)
Conclusion: Acknowledgements & Closing Prayer
FAST24 Perth 2023
3-4 March 2023
The next FAST24 Experience in Perth will be held on 1st-2nd March at the Parish of Our Lady Queen of Apostles in Riverton, Western Australia.
The 2024 theme for FAST24 Perth is "Here I Am Lord".
Dates: 1st-2nd March 2024.
Venue: Church of Our Lady Queen of Apostles
Address: 55 Tudor Ave South, Riverton, Western Australia 6148.
Registration closes on 26 Feb 2024.
At FAST24 Perth, we begin with the Eucharistic Fast from Friday evening (usually with the Stations of the Cross at twilight), which culminates in the Eucharistic Feast on Saturday evening Vigil Mass.
Participants gather for a community meal together before and after the fast.
Participants have the option to join in our annual cardboard campout/sleepout, which is a fun but meaningful way to reflect on the daily things we take for granted, as well an introductory experience of solidarity with the homeless.
Step 3: What happens after FAST24?
Many apostolic interactions (e.g. group dynamics, signs of faith, spirituality, etc.) are woven into the FAST24 Experience. The experience of FAST24 is meant to resonate with the spirit and principles of Apostolicam Actuositatem, which encourages and guides lay Catholics in their Christian service. FAST24 is a symbol of resistance to today's commercial values of fast food, instant messaging, throw-away society etc., which have been flogged on our younger generation and left behind some members of our older generation. FAST24 can unite our Catholic faithful through emptying ourselves and becoming the Daily Bread for others. We have the potential to be something that both re-unites and re-affirms faith in the Body of Christ.
An example of how FAST24 has made a difference:-
In Feb 2018 Lent, our Catholic Youth Apostolate organised FAST24 Perth at Our Lady Queen of Apostles Parish in Riverton. We invited the Director of Aboriginal Catholic Ministry (Perth) as a guest speaker on the theme "Mission and Ministry". We also invited the Vinnies Christmas Appeal Coordinator as another guest speaker on the same theme. Both taught the audience about what they do in their respective ministries, and shared why they chose their particular vocation.
As a post-FAST24 follow-up event, the 2018 participants were invited to take part in one joint event co-organised with the guest speaker's ministry, with the view to become more involved if the participant so chooses. Most of the participants chose the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry event. So we decided to focus our enthusiasm and limited resources into growing a sustainable relationship with the Aboriginal Catholic community.
In the subsequent collaboration with Aboriginal Catholic Ministry, we developed a new program with Clontarf Aboriginal College in 2019 that helps Aboriginal students learn to appreciate music performance through the Mass Liturgy. And as a result of this connection to a vibrant parish, young Aboriginal students are gradually learning about parish community life and Catholic spirituality. And the parish youth are also learning to appreciate Aboriginal culture, community and spirituality.
Clontarf Music Project
The Clontarf Music Project is a lively platform for musically-talented Catholic young adults to sharing their faith and musical talents with younger people. The Clontarf Music Project began in Dec 2017 and evolved from the collaboration between Aboriginal Catholic Ministry, Catholic Youth Apostolate @ Our Lady Queen of Apostles Parish, and Clontarf Aboriginal College.
Boonar Project
The Boonar Project symbolises the connection between Aboriginal Spirituality and Catholic Faith. It is designed to show and teach both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples about the the similarities between the Noongar seasons and the Church's liturgical seasons. So that we can celebrate the similarities between the two.
Australian Catholic Youth Festival 2019
Video Highlights of the beautiful Missa Terra Sancti Spiritu (Mass of the Land of the Holy Spirit), celebrated by Bishop Christopher Saunders of Broome, on Day 2 of the Australian Catholic Youth Festival (ACYF) in Perth on 9th Dec 2019.
Standard Terms & Conditions for Participation in FAST24
Please read these terms and conditions carefully; your registration and participation in FAST24 are subject to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, then you should not register for FAST24.
Acceptance of risk. By registering for FAST24, you, the participant, agree to assume all risks associated with the FAST24 program to the maximum extent permitted by law.
Authority of the Organisers of FAST24. At all times the decision of the Organisers of FAST24 on-site will be final on all matters likely to affect the safety and well-being of the FAST24 participants. If necessary, the Organisers of FAST24 reserve the right to cancel a registered participant’s involvement in the FAST24 program and/or order a participant to leave the program or group immediately.
Medical conditions. All participants must be registered and comply with the prevailing health and safety regulations, regardless of age or duration of participation in the program, so that we can also ensure both a COVID-safe and child-safe environment. It is a participant’s responsibility to inform the Organisers of FAST24 (in writing) of any pre-existing medical conditions that might reasonably be expected to increase the risk of his/her requiring medical attention, or that might affect the normal conduct of the program and the enjoyment of the program by other participants. If requested by the Organisers, a participant will be required to provide an assessment of his/her medical condition from a qualified medical practitioner.
Special needs. If you have special needs, you must bring your own medical plan and supplies to address your personal requirements, including any relevant medication. Special needs participants must always be accompanied by their own-appointed responsible adult carer.
Emergency medical situations. The participant gives permission to the Organisers of FAST24 to obtain any emergency medical/hospital treatment or ambulance service on the participant’s behalf, at any time that the Organisers deem necessary. The participant acknowledges that he/she is solely liable and responsible any medical/hospital and/or ambulance service expenses incurred on his/her behalf.
Publicity. By participating in the program, participants agree that the Organisers of FAST24 may use the participants’ photographs and other media recordings in a responsible manner, for publicity and promotion purposes, without recourse or compensation, through whatever medium it chooses.
Privacy. Certain information will be collected by the Organisers of FAST24 to facilitate the FAST24 program. Participants’ personal information will be collected to enable the Organisers to keep a record of attendees. The information may be disclosed to or collected for statistical purposes on behalf of the Catholic Archdiocese where FAST24 is held, but will not be used by anyone else for any other purpose. Participation in FAST24 may not be provided without the participant providing such information. The information may also be used to inform a participant of future and related events and activities, which may be of interest to that person. All reasonable information collected will be kept private and confidential to the best of our ability.